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Da dignitari

Da dignitari


Cardinal Johannes de JongBrandsmaTestimonies.DeJong 150

Archbishop of Utrecht

“As long as I shall live, I will always have before my eyes the figure of Father Brandsma, with whom I so often spoken during the war years and whom I always admired for his courage and clear insights. Repeatedly I asked his advice. I regard him as a martyr.



BrandsmaTestimonies.QueenWIlhimina 150Queen Wilhelmina

In a letter of condolence to the Brandsma family, November 4, 1946

“...this great and sincere patriot who, with those who would ask his advice, never hesitated to present, clearly and right from the start, the religious and patriotic options open to them. The inner, spiritual power of his writings represents a testimony held by many in high esteem, then and still today.”



BrandsmaTestimonies.Mohrmann 150Prof. Dr. Christine Mohrmann

Former student. Professor of Catholic University of Nijmegen

“He did everything for the students, but this was just part of his general goodness. He had a genuinely helpful spirit for all.”




Dr. J.P.Chr. De Boer

Inspector Elementary and Secondary Education

“I considered Father Brandsma the soul of educational resistance.”
“If I venerate him, it is because he united in the most perfect harmony one tireless activity to promote good in the world and in the spiritual life through education, upbringing and organization, with a complete inner peace regarding the success of all his work, which he saw to be in God’s hand.” 

Dr. P.H. Ronge


“Though being a Lutheran myself, I must say that during my entire life I have met few people who made such an impression on me as Father Titus Brandsma. He knew how to make everyone his friend. Especially impressive was his spiritual unassailability. I felt immediately that I was in the presence of someone who in his ordinary life must have been far above the rest.”

BrandsmaTestimonies.Bomans 150Godfried Bomans

Dutch Author

“Brandsma gave lectures on the history of mystical experience with the profound insight of a man who lived his material most strongly in his own person.”



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