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Martedì, 17 Novembre 2020 03:37

Research grant in memory of Fr Boaga, O.Carm - IV Edition (2020)

The General Archives of the Carmelite Order has offered a research grant in memory of Fr. Emanuele Boaga since 2017.

This year, despite the limitations due to the pandemic, nine scholars submitted proposals which were then examined by a commission composed of expert representatives of the Institutum Carmelitanum and other Institutes of Spirituality: Giovanni Grosso (Rome), Fernando Millan Romeral (Spain), Michael Plattig (Germany), Leopold Glueckert (USA), Glen Attard (Malta), as well as Mario Alfarano (General Archivist) and Simona Serci (Assistant Archivist).

The grant was awarded in early November to Flavia Di Giampaolo, Ph.D., a text sciences and paleographer archivist, who will work on a project entitled: Prior General Giovanni Antonio Filippini's Travel Diary: Critical Edition and Historical Contextualization. Further information can be found on the General Archives website:

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