Displaying items by tag: Edizioni Carmelitane
Subscribe now to Carmel in the World 2025 Magazine!
Carmel in the World Magazine Provides Carmelite Spirituality to Carmelite Family
Since the early 1960s the Order’s Carmel in the World magazine has been a valuable source of Carmelite spirituality to members of the Carmelite Family around the world. The magazine is published twice each year. Subscriptions are now being accepted for 2025.
Its articles focus on Carmel’s approach to living the Gospel and some of the major figures in the Order’s 800-year history. A typical issue will include articles about Mary, the spiritual life, as well as information about theological and pastoral topics. There is also a variety of articles on Carmelite saints and heroes.
The editorial board of the magazine meets annual to plan the issues. It is a publication of Edizioni Carmelitane in Rome. Each volume (1 year/two issues) contains approximately 160-200 pages. For the past several years the subscription rate has remained the same.
Subscriptions can easily be obtained through the Edizioni Carmelitane webstore (edizionicarmelitane.org) or through Carmelite offices in Australia (AUD$20), North America (US$15), Ireland (€11), and Great Britain (£9.50). To obtain the mailing address of the office nearest you, send a request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Book Presentation on the History of a Carmelite Church
Presentation of the Book
La demolita chiesa di S. Nicola dei Cesarini a Roma
by Cristina Cumbo
Published by Edizioni Carmelitane
Ilaria Miarelli Mariani
Director of the Direzione Musei Civici della Sovrintendenza Capitolina
Giovanni Grosso, O. Carm.
President, Institutum Carmelitanum
Riccardo Santangeli Valenzani
Monica Ceci
Cristina Cumbo
Archeologist e Author
The program will take place Friday, May 17, 2024 at 17:00
Museo di Rome – Palazzo Braschi
Sala Tenerani
Piazza di San Pantaleo, 10
Entrance is free
Information: 06 0608
New Book on Elijah and Elisha in the Latin Middle Ages
New from Edizioni Carmelitane | Author: Sr. Éliane Poirot, OCD
Les prophètes Élie et Élisée au Moyen Âge Latin:
Tome 1, 2, 3 et 4
In the preamble to the Constitutions of the London Chapter in 1281, for the first time in a Carmelite document preserved to this day, mention is made of the two prophets Elijah and Elisha. In this Rubrica prima, which answers the question of the origins of the Order, we find a statement that would be constantly repeated and developed in the centuries that followed: the Order of Carmel goes back to the prophets Elijah and Elisha, and Carmelites are the successors of all those who led a monastic life on Mount Carmel.
What was the background to this assertion? In an attempt to answer this question, we looked at Christian literature as a whole, and saw how the patristic tradition saw the prophet Elijah as an archetypal monk, with Elisha as the disciple par excellence. We now turn our attention to written sources from the Carolingian period to the 13th century, mainly through biblical commentaries on the Elijah and Elisha cycles, on the Transfiguration of Christ recounted in the Synoptic Gospels and on the two witnesses of the Apocalypse (Rev 11), as well as sermons. Most of these texts have been translated into French for the first time.
About the Author:
Sr Éliane Poirot, O.C.D., entered the Carmel de Nancy in 1965, and made solemn profession in 1970. She co-founded the Byzantine-rite Carmel of Saint-Remy in 1974, the Fraternité Saint-Élie in 1991, and the Romanian skite of Stânceni in 1994.
She holds a doctorate in Catholic theology and a university diploma in medieval Latin from the University of Strasbourg, as well as a diploma from the Saint-Serge Institute of Orthodox Theology in Paris.
She is the author of over a hundred articles and a dozen books, including several on the prophets Elijah and Elisha.
Tome 1: Vllle-IXe siècles. L'époque carolingienne
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Tome 2: Xe-début-XIIe siècle. Des commentaires carolingiens à la Glossa ordinaria
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Tome 3: La renaissance et le tournant du XIIe siècle
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Tome 4: XIIIe siècle. L'essor des universités
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Purchase a boxed set all four volumes (€150.00 value)
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Carmel Celebrates World Book Day
Carmel Celebrates World Book Day Connecting People Around the World
On Tuesday, April 23, people in over 100 countries around the world will celebrate World Book Day. Melody Triumph, of The Black Curriculum website, captures the importance of the Day, "How special and exciting it is to be able to have someone’s story from the past, or from the other side of the world, in your hands. ... It reminds us that everyone has a story to tell, everyone has an experience we can get joy and learn from, and perhaps most the most important of them all, is that every reader has a story that shows them that they are not alone."
World Book Day is a perfect opportunity to remind children of the importance of reading and it really helps to spark their enthusiasm and get them excited to pick up a new book. Stories offer a child so much and play a vital role in their growth and development.
The day is not just for children!!! Carmelites can use the day as a starting point to gain new insights into the Order's history and spirituality.
The benefits of reading at all ages are multiple. For example, reading can reduce stress levels, preserves brain health and lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia, helps your sleep and relieves symptoms of anxiety and depression.
There are plenty of other benefits of reading, including making you smarter. Reading provides a workout for our brains, a bit like physical activity for our bodies. Reading also increases vocabulary, helps us to understand different ideas and theories, increases knowledge and keeps our memory sharp.
In 1995, UNESCO decided that the World Book would be celebrated on 23 April, as the date is also the anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare as well as that of the birth or death of several other prominent authors.
To choose a book to enjoy, see Edizioni Carmelitane
Presentation of a book on Saint Angelus of Sicily
On Tuesday, April 09, 2024, at 4 p.m. in the Paolo Radicciotti Lecture Hall of the Department of Humanistic Studies at the University of Roma Tre, the book "Miracula et benefitia" the story of disease and thaumaturgy and Licata, Sicily and devotion to Carmelite Saint Angelo was presented by its author Marco Papasidero. The book is published by Edizioni Carmelitane.
Speaking at the presentation were Professor Maria Chiara Giorda and Professor Paolo Broggio from the University of Roma Tre, Giovanna Brizi, Postulator General of the Carmelite Order, and the author.
The book traces, in a cultural-historical perspective, the miracles, healing practices, diseases, beliefs and society described within the book " Miracula et benefitia," the title of the inquiry into miracles conducted between 1625 and 1627 in Licata, Sicily, which aimed to collect the miraculous testimonies of 113 witnesses following the wave of plague that had struck the island since 1624.
Professor Maria Chiara Giorda praised the author's work and mentioned how he managed to bring out "the great Sicilian cultural and religious heritage, both tangible and intangible" of that historical period.
For Papasidero, a researcher in the History of Christianity at the University of Palermo, "today the cult of St. Angelo is alive and so it is demonstrated by the return of the Carmelites as it happens especially on the feast of the saint."
In the words of Prof. Paolo Broggio, the volume contains "an account of the mentality, beliefs, medical practices and procedures of the protagonists of the time."
In the discussion around the book, it emerged how the text can also be an important source for medical historians. According to Papasidero many times they only "draw on medical treatises and forget to report the religious aspects of the healing practices of the time."
For Maria Chiara Giorda, "a clear link is evinced between the history of religions, disease and medicine, between how it was considered at the time to the epistemological change that is considered by modern anthropologists as a perfect example of healing with a combination of medical systems and magical practices defined today as ontological systems that have proven effective over time."
The author thanked Giovanna Brizi, Postulator, and Fr. Mario Alfarano, Archivist and General Librarian of the Carmelite Order, as well as the publishing house Edizioni Carmelitane for the trust they have placed in him.
For more information about the book Miracula et benefitia ...
Carmelite Chocolate
Among the papers of Santa Maria in Traspontina, recently inventoried by Jacopo De Santis in the book "Santa Maria in Traspontina, La vita di una comunità carmelitana attraverso le carte d'archivio", several documents attest that during the 18th century at the same Roman convent, at that time the seat of the general curia of the Carmelites, chocolate bars were produced: this is evidenced by the correspondence preserved in our archives, with which the friars of other convents and various personalities of the time requested that this delicacy be sent to them.
In particular, in a correspondence of seventeen letters dated to the year 1758, the former prior general of the Carmelites, Luigi Laghi, of the Romagnola Province, requested that an order of chocolate, of which he must have been rather gluttonous, be delivered to him in the convent of Forli, reporting - in a funny way - that he made habitual use of it, because, according to him, it helped him to counteract shortness of breath . ... and other ailments: "I continue to suffer every morning the usual tightness of the chest and difficulty in breathing, but having taken chocolate, which causes me some flati, I remain free" (April 13, 1758).
Father Laghi had a large supply of this portentous remedy, as we read in another of his letters, "For chocolate there is time until you make ours, for I still have it for six and more months" (Sept. 7, 1758).
(This article first appeared in ABIGOC – November 21, 2023)
The book can be purchased at the online bookstore of the publisher Edizioni Carmelitane.
Jacopo De SantisSanta Maria in Traspontina La vita di una comunità carmelitana attraverso le carte d'archivio
Recent Publications from Edizioni Carmelitane
If you have not visited our webstore lately, you should check it out. We have a new look. The site can be accessed in Italian, English, and Spanish. The "search" engine as well as arranging books by collection gives quick access to all the publications. Payment can be made by credit card, debit card, or PayPal. Some books are also now available as ebooks.
St. Titus BrandsmaTitus Brandsma Mysticism -- Fundamentals and Characteristic Features, volume 4 of the Collected Works
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Bernard HooseLet Yourself Be Loved
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Antonio VitaleUn Frate PericolosoLa vicenda umana di Tito Brandsma, martire carmelitano
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Simona DuranteL'attività di padre Serafino Maria Potenza (1697-1763)
Presentation of a Book on Fr. Serafino Maria Potenza
The book L'attività di padre Serafino Maria Potenza (1697-1763) attraverso i documenti d'Archivio, by Simona Durante, published by Edizioni Carmelitane, was presented on Thursday, January 18, 2024, at Centro Internazionale Sant'Alberto (CISA) in Rome.
The presentation was attended by Fr. Vincenzo Criscuolo, ofmcap, former general relator of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, Professor Luca Carboni, of the Vatican Apostolic Archives, and the author. Among the many participants were secretary Monsignor Fabio Fabene, undersecretary Bogusław Stanisław Turek and other members of the Dicastery.
Fr. Vincenzo Criscuolo gave opening remarks and thanked the author for her magnificent work in dissecting the figure and work of Potenza within the 395 pages of the volume.
Prof. Luca Carboni also praised the author's work and mentioned how this book is the best example of the archivist's role, which is to trace "a fruitful dialogue between different eras."
The book traces the life of Father Serafino Maria Potenza and his activity as Postulator General of the Carmelite Order, following the causes of beatification and canonization that he worked on and which he presented to the Sacred Congregation of Rites, the dicastery then competent in the matter.
In this regard, Giovanna Brizi, Postulator General of the Order, pointed out that although Potenza did not conclude any of the causes of beatification he dealt with during his mandate as Postulator General of the Order, "he sowed the seed that would later germinate in the activity of the postulators who came after him, because this is also the mission of us as postulators."
To frame the figure of Potenza, the author analyses the historical context of his time as well as "the broad panorama of Carmelite holiness."
In preparing the book, Durante made use of direct access to the various funds of the Carmelite Archives to locate material pertaining to Fr. Serafino. She also turned to the Archives of the Order's General Postulation, where she was able to ascertain that "most of the documentation, relating to the 18th century, refers, in some way, to Fr. Serafino Maria Potenza."
For Fr. Mario Alfarano, Archivist and General Librarian, Durante's book is an example of the importance of the archivist's role for the younger generation, and he emphasized how collaboration between the different funds was a key factor in the research and preparation of the book.
L'Osservatore Romano, the official newspaper of the Holy See, published a review of Simona Durante's book (accessible to subscribers here: https://www.osservatoreromano.va/it/news/2024-01/quo-016/alla-scoperta-di-uno-scopritore.html).
The book can be purchased at the online bookstore of the publisher Edizioni Carmelitane.
Presentation of a book on Fr. Serafino Maria Potenza
On Thursday, January 18, 2024, at 6 p.m., at the Centro Internazionale Sant'Alberto (Rome), the volume L'attività di padre Serafino Maria Potenza (1697-1763) attraverso i documenti d'Archivio, by Simona Durante, published by Edizioni Carmelitane, will be presented.
Father Serafino Maria Potenza's importance to the Carmelite Order is particularly reflected during his work as postulator general and in having dedicated his life to collecting documents related to the history of the Order.
Fr. Vincenzo Criscuolo, ofmcap, Relator General, dicastery of the Causes of Saints, and Prof. Luca Carboni, archivist, from the Vatican Apostolic Archives, will speak at the presentation.
The author, Dr. Simona Durante, will also intervene.
For further study and purchase of the publication, see the Edizioni Carmelitane website.
CISA and Edizioni Carmelitane Host Book Presentation
The Institutum Carmelitanum and Edizioni Carmelitane will be hosting a presentation of the book La demolita chiesa di S. Nicola dei Cesarini a Roma (The Demolished Church of S. Nicola dei Cesarini in Rome) at Centro Internazionale San’ Alberto on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at 17:45.
See the latest publications of Edizioni Carmelitane at https://edizionicarmelitane.org/