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General Councillor for Africa

At the General Chapter (held every six years) four friars are elected to be the General Councillors representing the four geographical areas of the Order: (1) Africa, (2) the Americas, (3) Asia-Australia-Oceania and (4) Europe. The General Councillors are a link between their respective geographic areas and the General Council. Together with the other members of the General Council they also share in the responsibility of promoting the common good of the entire Order.

At the General Chapter in September 2019, Fathers Conrad Mutizamhepo (Africa), Luis Maza Subero (the Americas), Robert Thomas Puthussery (Asia-Australia-Oceania) and Richard Byrne (Europe) were elected as the General Councillors for the Order.

Fr. Conrad Mutizamhepo, O.Carm.

Fr. Conrad Mutizamhepo, O.Carm. is the General Councillor for Africa

Father Conrad is the second born in a family of six. He was born in rural Zimbabwe and went to a boarding school ran by Carmelites who influenced his decision to join Carmelites.

He entered the formation program in 1985, making his first profession in 1987. Thereafter he enrolled into philosophy at the Regional Major Seminary, Chishawasha, Harare after which he pursued theology studies at the same seminary and the University of Zimbabwe where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, Honours Degree in Religious Studies. He professed his solemn vows in February 1994 and was ordained to the priesthood on 17 September 1994.

He has worked at Regina Coeli Mission, Mutare Diocese, as a deacon and subsequently as assistant pastor (1993-1995), at Kriste Mambo Formation Centre as director of postulants and assistant pastor (1995-1997). He took up further studies at Milltown Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Dublin (1997-1999) where he obtained a Masters Degree in Spirituality. On his return to Zimbabwe, he was appointed director of students at Mount Carmel Students house (2000-2009), prior of Mount Carmel Students House (2009-2012), lecturer of Spirituality at Holy Trinity College (2000-2013), The Regional Major Seminary, Chishawasha (2000-2005; 2009-2013) and Arrupe College (now Arrupe Jesuit University)(2002-2005). He was appointed Rector of Holy Trinity College (2007-2013) during which period he managed to secure accreditation and certification of the Holy Trinity College academic program with the Catholic University in Zimbabwe.

At the General Chapter in 2013 Fr. Conrad was elected General Councillor for Africa of the Order (2013-2019) a tenure he served with great enthusiasm and creativity. During his first term, he was the General Councillor responsible for the Carmelite Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) where he coordinated efforts to come up with a Carmelite JPIC Handbook.

At the General Chapter of 2019 he was re-elected to serve a second term 2019-2025. His area of responsibility remains the Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC).


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