Carmelite Family
The Carmelite Family is a unity of all the different sectors of family that include lay people, consecrated men and women, that is religious sisters, cloistered nuns and friars. We draw our inspiration from the Rule of St Albert, from its tradition and from the values expressed in Carmelite spirituality, constitute the Carmelite Family within the Church today. With the brothers and sisters of the Teresian reform we have a particular bond. The many different ways in which the Carmelite charism is embodied under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Together we share the work of evangelisation, supporting one another in our prophetic and contemplative service in the midst of the people using the gifts, talents and experiences of the whole Carmelite family (see Const. 2019, n. 28, 110).
Final Message of the General Chapter of the Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel 2019