Breakfast with friends,
leadership of love
(John 21:1-19)
The readings of the Easter Season continue to unfold for us the great Easter Mystery - the enduring presence of Jesus among us and what ‘new life in Christ’ might mean.
The Gospel today recounts the third appearance of Jesus to the disciples after his resurrection. At first they don’t recognise him; then there is a huge haul of fish followed by a meal; then, in the long version of this Gospel, Peter’s commission to lead the flock in love.
It takes faith to recognise the presence of Jesus among us. Reality can be changed and good things result when we do. All the meals we share are reminders of the Eucharistic Meal which keeps us in communion with the life of the Risen Christ and with one another. Jesus continues to be nourishment and strength for the journey. Our faith is built on love.
In his dialogue with Christ, Peter reaffirms his love for him three times, reversing his triple denial of Jesus before the crucifixion. Peter is leader, but his leadership is built on his love of Christ. It is not the authority of tyranny, but of pastoral care. Peter is to ‘Feed my lambs’ - the young, the vulnerable. He is to ‘look after my sheep’ - feeding and caring for the flock, seeing to their needs.
Whenever Jesus shared a meal with his followers he opened their hearts and minds. As we continue to share in the Eucharistic Meal, Jesus continues to feed and nourish us with fresh insight, deeper understanding and greater love.
- Celebrating At Home - pdf Third Sunday of Easter [PDF] (3.77 MB)
- Celebrating At Home - default Third Sunday of Easter [ePub] (4.53 MB)
- Celebrando En Familia - pdf Tercer Domingo de Pascua (407 KB)
- Celebrando In Casa - pdf Terza Domenica di Pasqua (407 KB)
- Celebrando em família - pdf Terceiro Domingo da Páscoa (425 KB)