On November 15-16, there was a face-to-face meeting at the General Curia of the Commission for the Reform of the Institutum Carmelitanum. Present were Michael Farrugia, president, Fernando Millán Romeral, Giovanni Grosso, and Mario Alfarano.
The Commission has completed the revision of the Norms of the Institutum and will submit them to the General Council for its approval. These Norms, approved in the General Chapter of 1995, needed to be updated with regards to the aims of the Institutum, its components, and its administration.
The Commission also elaborated a series of proposals regarding: the procedure for implementing the new norms; the areas of Sant'Alberto International Center (CISA) for the use of the Institutum and its security; suggestions for the conservation and enhancement of the cultural heritage of the Order, in particular those useful for the research and transmission of the history and charism of Carmel.