International Liturgical Conference Planned for May 5-10, 2025 in Rome
The International Liturgy Commission is sponsoring an International Liturgical Conference at “Il Carmelo” the Carmelite center in Sassone, Italy. The conference will take place May 5-10, 2025 and is open to all members of the Carmelite Family as well as anyone interested in knowing more about Carmelite liturgy. The theme of the conference is Encountering the Risen Lord: Liturgy and Prayer in Carmel Today.
The organizers stress that this conference is more pastoral than academic. The themes that will be explored include the role of liturgy within a synodal church, celebrating the Word of God, celebrating Mary and the saints of Carmel in their feasts and the art of celebration of the liturgy (ars celebrandi) . The way in which these various aspects are inculturated in the different geographic areas of the Carmelite Family will also be explored.
Speakers will include Cardinal Arthur Roche (prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments), Míceál O’Neill, O. Carm. (prior general), Fernando Millán Romeral, O. Carm. (former prior general), Donna Orsuto (Pontificia Università Gregoriana), Anastasia di Gerusalemme Cucca, O. Carm. (prioress, Monastery of St. Stephen in Ravenna), Giovanni Grosso, O. Carm. (president of the Institutum Carmelitanum), Michael Plattig, O. Carm., Désiré Unen Alimange, O. Carm., Giuseppe Midili, O. Carm. (Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo), Valéry Bitar, OCD (Teresianum), and Sabino Chiala (prior of the Monastery of Bose) and others.