First Meeting in the Presence of the General Economic Commission
After several online meetings through Zoom, the General Economic Commission met in Rome on October 23-26, 2023. The members are: Javier Domingo Garmón i Calvo (Cat), Günter Benker (Ger), Shiju Njaralampuzha (Ind), Nixon Jacobus Silfanus (Indo-laico), Anna De Giglio (Neap-laica), and Christian Körner, General Bursar. Also participating were Elisabetta Berardi (Curia) and, as translator, Tobias Kraus (Curia).
The meeting began with an examination of the current economic situation of the Curia, which was followed by discussion on the following points: revision of the Economic Directory, project for the future Missions Fund, criteria for investments, possible percentages to be presented and discussed in the future, and the stable patrimony (cf. Const. 417). The Commission also considered the possibility of holding a meeting of the bursars of each province in the present sexennium.
During the meeting, the General Bursar informed the Commission that many Provinces, General Commissariats and Delegations have not yet prepared a financial report, which is also a very useful tool to allocate the percentage of contribution to the Provinces fairly.
The next meeting will be held in April 2024.