On May 25, 2021, the Congress of Theological Consultors recognized the miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Titus Brandsma, O. Carm., relating to the scientifically inexplicable healing of Fr. Michael Driscoll, O. Carm.
The positive result of this second, fundamental stage towards canonization, will allow the Cause to be submitted to the judgment of the Ordinary Session of the Cardinals and Bishops, members of the Congregation. In the event of a positive outcome, the Prefect of the Congregation will then submit the conclusions of the Ordinary Session of the Cardinals and Bishops for the approval of the Supreme Pontiff. Finally, the Supreme Pontiff will convene the Ordinary Consistory in which the canonization of the Blessed will be officially announced.
Let us rejoice at the results achieved so far but let us continue to pray to the Lord so that the process will continue happily and we can arrive at the canonization of Blessed Titus Brandsma.