May 2024
1-3: completion of the canonical visitation in the DR Congo
7-8: plenary meeting of the General Council
10-12: centenary celebrations of the foundation of the Hermanas Carmelitas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, by Madre Asunción Soler Gimeno, 13th of May, 1924, in Malaga.
13-17 plenary meeting of the General council
15: celebration of the second centenary of the birth of Madre Teresa Scrilli,15th of May, 1825, Montevarchi, Florence, Foundress of the Institute of Nostra Signora del Monte Carmelo.
20 - 23 provincial chapter of the Polish Province, Krakow.
26 - 31 canonical visitation in the Province of Rio de Janeiro, second part.