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Monday, 30 January 2023 07:36

Provincial Chapter of the Rio Province in Brasil

The members of the Province of Fluminis Januarii held their chapter from January 23-27, 2023, in the retreat house of São Carlos a Jundiá in São Paolo, Brasil.

The theme of the gathering was “Carmel –a Passion for God, for Humanity, and for the Brotherhood—in a World in Transformation.” Fraternity and mission were key themes of the Chapter.

The province was founded by Carmelites from Portugal. In 1595 the vice-province of Brazil was erected, consisting of four houses: Olinda (1583), Bahia (1586), Santos (1589) and Rio de Janeiro (1590). In 1720, the province was erected from the vice-province of “Estado do Brasil,” being separated from Bahia-Pernambuco.

Because of the political situation, most of the houses belonging to religious orders in Brazil were forced to close in the 19th century. However, from 1894 the Spanish Carmelites came to restore the province. In 1904 the Dutch Province undertook the restoration. Having reunited with the Province of Bahia for a decade, the Fluminis Januarii Province was re-established in 1962 and placed under the protection of St. Elias the Prophet.

During the Chapter the following were elected to leadership:

Prior Provincial | Prior Provincial | Priore Provinciale: 
Frei Adailson Quintino, O. Carm.

1st Councilor | 1er Consejero | 1° Consigliere: 
Frei Thiago Borges, O. Carm.

2nd Councilor | 2do Consejero | 2° Consigliere: 
Frei Atanael de Almeuda, O. Carm.

3rd Councilor | 3er Consejero | 3° Consigliere: 
Frei Geraldo D'Abadia, O. Carm.

4th Councilor | 4to Consejero | 4° Consigliere: 
Frei Eduardo Ferreira, O. Carm.

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