On February 1, 2024, the triennial chapter of the Carmelite nuns of the Monastery of the Incarnation in Zaragoza, Spain, took place. Archbishop of Zaragoza, Mons. Carlos Manuel Escribano led the election of the prioress. Following the election of the prioress, the chapter reunited and continued with the elections of the other offices of the monastery.
In 1614 the license for the foundation of the Convent of the Incarnation in Zaragoza was granted. Ana Carrillo, the foundress, gave a large dowry, along with two of her nieces, who would enter the convent to become Carmelites. The following year, in July, Carmelite nuns from different houses of the order arrived to take possession and inaugurate the monastery. Among these was Ven. Seraphina Bonastre (†1649) assisted by the prior provincial of Aragon at the time, Michael Ripoll.
With the foundress' property, they acquired a house, patio, and orchard and began the construction of the house. Soon the funds ran out but, with great difficulty, they managed to finish the work and keep the foundation open.
During the government's seizure of ecclesiastical property, what is known as the ecclesiastical confiscations of Mendizábal (1835-1837), the community managed to subsist by dedicating itself to teaching.
The monastery belongs to the Mater Unitatis Federation.
The results of the elective chapter were as follows:
Prioress | Priora | Priora:
Madre Hannah Wairimu Kamau Ngigi, O. Carm.
1st Councilor | 1ª Consejera | 1ª Consigliera:
Hna. Elena-María Samper, O. Carm.
2nd Councilor | 2ª Consejera | 2ª Consigliera:
Hna. Mónica Macharia, O. Carm.
3rd Councilor | 3ª Consejera | 3ª Consigliera:
Hna. Lilian Irima, O. Carm.
4th Councilor | 4ª Consejera | 4ª Consigliera:
Hna. Claudia Raozivola, O. Carm.
Treasurer | Ecónoma | Economa
Hna. Lilian Irima, O. Carm.
Formator | Formadora | Formatrice
Hna. Everline Alina, O. Carm.
Sacristan | Sacristana | Sacrestana
Hna. Mónica Macharia, O. Carm.